POS Features

Our state-of-the-art restaurant point-of-sale system has many features to fulfill the needs of many types of restaurants and diners. Some of these features include:

Order Management

Customers have the convenience of effortlessly creating and overseeing their orders through the convenience of their mobile devices. However, in situations where this may not be feasible, the adept waiting staff possesses the capability to seamlessly assume the responsibility of receiving and managing customer orders, encompassing the flexibility to accommodate modifications, additions, and cancellations.

Table Management

An array of sophisticated tools is at your disposal to expertly handle table assignments and meticulously monitor the status of each table. From identifying recently occupied tables to tracking the progression of orders, encompassing the stages of food being ordered, prepared, and ultimately delivered, all the way through to the final transaction of the check being paid. Additionally, these tools provide a clear overview of tables that are currently available, ensuring a seamless and efficient dining experience for your esteemed guests.

Menu Management

Effortlessly stay in full control of your culinary offerings with the ability to seamlessly update and customize your menus. Whether you're looking to introduce new delectable creations, remove certain items, or fine-tune existing dishes and prices, the process is intuitive and efficient. Enhancing the dining experience further, you can captivate your customers by uploading enticing photos of your exquisite dishes, allowing them to indulge in a visual preview of what awaits their taste buds.

Reporting and Analytics

Unveil a wealth of invaluable insights into your business's performance by effortlessly generating comprehensive reports on critical metrics. These encompass a meticulous analysis of sales and revenue, order patterns, occupancy rates, and other pertinent factors that significantly influence your establishment's success. By harnessing the power of these reports, you gain a profound understanding of your business's performance, empowering you to make informed decisions and optimize your operations for unrivaled growth and prosperity.

Customer Relationship Management

Indulge your valued customers with an array of enticing benefits and personalized experiences that leave an indelible impression. Extend enticing discounts and exclusive promotions to both new patrons and cherished returning customers, showcasing your commitment to their satisfaction and loyalty. Through the seamless integration of an innovative in-app messaging system, SMS, and email channels, you have the power to effortlessly communicate promotional messages, ensuring your customers stay informed and engaged. But it doesn't stop there. You also have the ability to recognize and warmly address each customer by their name.

Payment Processing

Your distinguished patrons enjoy the convenience of securely storing their credit card information within the confines of Epowi app, granting them the privilege of swift and hassle-free transactions. However, we understand that diverse preferences prevail, and thus the acceptance of both cash and manual credit card payments, ensuring utmost flexibility for every individual, is also available. In the rare event that a customer inadvertently forgets to settle their bill, rest assured that you possess the capability to discreetly charge their preferred payment method.

Kitchen Display System

With a seamless and intuitive interface, our system ensures that every order is promptly attended to, guaranteeing a seamless flow of culinary excellence and synchronized precision. By enabling your chefs to effortlessly view and manage incoming orders, we elevate the artistry of your kitchen to new heights, ensuring each plate is a masterpiece of gastronomic delight.

Split Billing

We eliminate the need for bill splitting, as every esteemed guest is entrusted with the seamless task of overseeing their own order. Nevertheless, we understand the joy of shared moments and conviviality at the dining table. Hence, should the occasion arise, our distinguished patrons possess the remarkable capability to extend their generosity. They have the privilege of adding someone else's bill, from their very own table, to their own check.

Waitlist Management

With utmost ease, you can effortlessly add and oversee individuals patiently awaiting their turn to be seated, ensuring a meticulously organized waiting list. Once a table becomes available, our automated SMS messaging feature takes center stage, extending a virtual hand to summon the eagerly awaiting patrons. With a simple touch, the notification gracefully dances through the ether, notifying them of their turn, as anticipation reaches its crescendo.

Employee Management

Within our esteemed restaurant ecosystem, you possess the remarkable ability to seamlessly onboard new employees, carefully curating their access levels to perfectly align with their unique roles and responsibilities. Like virtuosos gracing the stage, every team member is granted precisely the tools they need to excel in their designated realm, fostering a collaborative environment where talents seamlessly interweave.

Restaurant Management

Embark on a remarkable journey of seamless control and harmonious management as you effortlessly oversee a constellation of restaurants, united under the auspices of a single user account. With our visionary platform, the boundless expanse of your culinary empire becomes your canvas to orchestrate and nurture.


Empowering you with a shield of assurance, we deploy robust user access controls and employ state-of-the-art data encryption, forming an impenetrable fortress that thwarts any attempt at unauthorized access. Every byte of data traverses encrypted passages, impervious to the prying eyes of malice. With steadfast dedication, we honor the sovereignty of your sensitive information, cultivating an environment where tranquility reigns and your esteemed establishment flourishes in the embrace of digital fortitude.